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OMA Committees

Photo of OMA Board of DirectorsOMA Board of Directors, September 2023. From left to right: Stacy Nalley, Peter Kukla, Natascha Adams,  Val Van Alstyne, Heather Christenbury, Amanda Coven, Ariel Peasley, Katie Williams, Eleanor Sandys, Lydia Heins. Not pictured:  Janice Crane, Jennifer Fang.

The OMA Board of Directors is a working board with five committees. Committees do everything from creating and presenting professional development and networking events; to supporting members; to promoting OMA and our members online; to ensuring we remain strong financially, organizationally and ethically.

OMA welcomes involvement from members. If you would like to serve on one of our committees, please fill out the volunteer application.

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee provides professional development, networking, and learning opportunities through Photo of Ariel Peasleythrough online or in-person workshops, webinars and meet ups. Ariel Peasley, Chair.

Specific duties:

  • Organize several webinars, workshops and meet ups per year, online or in-person.
      • Workshop: 3-4 hour in-depth program, may have multiple presenters
      • Webinar: 1-1.5 hour practical program
      • Meet up: 1-1.5 hour informal networking event
  • Create an annual calendar for programs, coordinating with Conference Committee to prevent overlap.
  • Coordinate with DEAI Committee to review program topics and presenters.
  • Invite presenters and coordinate logistics.
  • Act as host for all programs, provide introductions, OMA announcements, etc.
  • Research and provide expertise for online meeting software.
  • Work with Administrative and Communications Coordinator to update OMA website with event details and send emails to attendees.
  • Create and implement evaluation for each event.

Composition: Two (2) Board Members appointed as Co-chairs by the President, and up to six (6) Members. Committee members should demonstrate the geographic diversity of the state and pull from the varied areas of museum specialties and professions.

Conference Committee

Photo of Natascha AdamsThe Conference  Committee organizes the conference and implements the professional development, networking, and learning opportunities at OMA’s annual conference.  Natascha Adams, Chair

Specific duties, all related to the annual conference:
  • Organize logistics for the annual conference:
    • Solicit and collaborate with any co-hosts.
    • Along with Board of Directors, determine location, host institutions(s), and theme.
    • Reserve conference venue, catering, local lodging and dining options.
    • Develop conference sponsors, silent auction donors/items and scholarships.
    • Develop pre-conference tours and events.
  • Organize workshops and educational programs:
    • Develop and publish call for workshop and session proposals.
    • Along with the board, solicit proposals for workshops and sessions as needed.
    • Investigate and determine options for pre-conference tours.
    • Review and select workshops and sessions, with input from the DEAI Committee.
    • Inform applicants regarding accepted and not accepted proposals.
    • Communicate with presenters to improve sessions, combine presentations, or otherwise enhance program offerings.
    • Create evaluation forms for workshop and session participants, and present evaluation findings to the board.
  • Organize networking opportunities.
  • Implement inclusive practices and broaden diversity of voices represented:
    • Work with local Indigenous and/or other culturally specific organizations and communities to shape OMA offerings in their area; provide compensation as appropriate.
    • Increase DEAI in program content (keynotes, speakers, proposal forms, evaluation).
    • Recruit non-board members to serve on committee.
  • Create schedule, daily agenda and content for conference program.
  • Work with Administrative and Communications Coordinator to update OMA website with session details.
  • Promote annual conference among OMA members and non-members in the Oregon museum community.
  • Evaluate conference and create a report to share with the board about successes and lessons learned.

Composition: Two (2) Board Members appointed as Co-chairs by the OMA Board of Directors, up to three (3) Board Members, and up to three (3) volunteer community representatives (OMA members). Committee members should demonstrate the geographic diversity of the state and pull from the varied areas of museum specialties and professions.

Membership and Development Committee

Photo of Peter KuklaThe Membership and Development Committee encourages, promotes, and supports membership in the Oregon Museums Association and secures resources for the financial sustainability of OMA programs and operations. The Committee Chairs report the status of OMA membership and development to the Board of Directors and makes recommendations for improving the membership program and securing funding. Peter Kukla, Co-chair.

Specific duties:

  • Monitor memberships, problem solve any issues.
  • Create outreach strategy for increasing membership.
  • Create fundraising strategy and annual goal.
  • Develop relationships with funders and sponsors.
  • Solicit sponsors for annual conference, workshops, webinars and other OMA activities.
  • Build partnerships with funding agencies.
  • Communicate with OMA Treasurer and Executive Committee quarterly to review finances and fundraising goals.

Composition: Two (2) Board Members appointed as Co-chairs by the OMA Board of Directors, up to three (3) Board Members, and up to three (3) volunteer community representatives (OMA members). Committee members should demonstrate the geographic diversity of the state and pull from the varied areas of museum specialties and professions.

Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee

Photo of Jennifer FangThe Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee cultivates and endorses the DEAI goals of the Oregon Museums Association. Jennifer Fang, Chair.

Specific duties:

  • Honor and demonstrate excellence in diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.
  • Seek, create, and implement DEAI best practices within all aspects of the organization.
  • Communicate and educate OMA membership on DEAI best practices that may impact museums in Oregon.
  • Contribute website, social media, and newsletter content; posting updates and calls to action as needed.
  • Meet every two months or as needed via phone/video conference.
  • Plan educational programs and activities.

Composition: One (1) Board Member appointed as Chair by the President, and up to three (3) members. Committee members should demonstrate the geographic diversity of the state and pull from the varied areas of museum specialties and professions.

Advocacy Committee

Photo of Janice CraneThe Advocacy Committee encourages, promotes and supports advocacy for the Oregon museums community on behalf of the Oregon Museums Association. Janice Crane, Chair.

Specific duties:

  • Participate in national and state Museums Advocacy Days, representing OMA and members.
  • Communicate and educate OMA membership on advocacy issues that may impact museums in Oregon.
  • Contribute website, social media, and newsletter content; posting updates and calls to action as needed.
  • Write letters in support of state and national legislation affecting museums.
  • Meet every two months or as needed via phone/video conference.
  • Plan educational programs and activities.

Composition: One (1) Board Member appointed as Chair by the President, and up to three (3) Board Members, and up to three (3) volunteer community representatives (OMA members). Committee members should demonstrate the geographic diversity of the state and pull from the varied areas of museum specialties (science, children, art, history). Experience with advocacy preferred.

Mailing Address: PO Box 8604, Portland, OR 97207
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