Oregon Humanities Public Program Grant is now accepting letters of interest from non-profit organizations and federally recognized tribes from around the state.
Once each year, Oregon Humanities’ volunteer board of directors awards Public Program Grants between $2,000 and $10,000 in support of programs across Oregon that explore challenging questions, and strive for just communities. Letters of interest (LOI) for 2021 grants are due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 20, 2020. A total of $100,000 will be awarded this grant cycle. In the past our average grant size has been $5,500 per organization.
Public Program Grants fund a wide variety of programs and activities. For example: community dialogues, lectures, online engagements, storytelling formats that center undertold experiences, programming connecting exhibits to current experiences, culturally specific and intercultural events. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage applicants to follow the State of Oregon social distancing requirements and to articulate alternate program plans where relevant, such as virtual programming back up plans, rotating participants, or limited in-person participation.
Oregon Humanities has limited grant funds to award and is committed to funding programming that centers those most impacted by a topic in order to elevate perspectives that have historically been undervalued - particularly programming based in and led by rural communities and/or communities of color. Programs can be in multiple languages or be in a language other than English, reporting will need to be in English.
Read the full new guidelines and eligibility for our 2021 Public Program Grants on our website, share this information with your networks, and submit your letter of interest now.
Apply Now
If you have any questions about this program or the guidelines please contact Jennifer Alkezweeny, Program Director, at jennifer@oregonhumanities.org.