A letter from Jim White, ED of Nonprofit Association of Oregon.
Hello Colleagues,
I hope all is well with you in these trying times.
We are organizing an Oregon Nonprofit Community sign-on letter to be sent to the Oregon Congressional Delegation to advocate for expanded support to nonprofits and tribal communities through the CARES Act 2.0 legislation that is being considered now. You can read our four key asks in the letter. I am asking for you to share this with your teams, members of coalitions and clients. The link to the letter can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/786BFPS
We have over 220 organizations from across Oregon signed on already and we want to be sure to include your groups. We are closing the sign-on today at 5:00pm, so hoping that your groups and coalitions will sign on!
Jim White (he/him)
Executive Director
Office: 503-239-4001 ext.109